

Blog: Osteoporosis: The Silent Threat Common Among the Elderly

Osteoporosis is a significant public health concern often referred to as a "silent disease," much like high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol levels. It quietly undermines the health and quality of life of the elderly. Typically, individuals with osteoporosis show no symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose and treat in its early stages. As people live longer, particularly women, the prevalence of chronic conditions such as osteoporosis is on the rise.

Dr. Tanawat Amphansap

Dr. Tanawat Amphansap

Police General Hospital

Blog: Essential Health Information for Senior Travelers: What You Need to Know

Traveling can be an exciting and fulfilling experience for people of all ages. However, for senior travelers, there are specific health considerations that must be taken into account to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey. According to a study by Eurostat (2019), there is a notable correlation between age and tourism behavior, particularly among elderly individuals.

Blog: Insomnia Symptoms in the Elderly

Insomnia may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it shouldn't be overlooked, especially in the elderly. Lack of sleep can have significant negative consequences, ranging from physical fatigue to cognitive impairment. In older adults, insomnia can lead to issues such as daytime fatigue, impaired thinking, and increased risk of accidents due to drowsiness.

Dr. Noppadol Noppaku

Dr. Noppadol Noppaku

The Parents Wellness and Rehabilitation