Articles in Knowledge Category

Articles in Knowledge Category

Blog: 7-Colored Lanna Lanterns for Community Health: Classifying Hypertension Types

In the realm of community health, the Praboromarajchanok Institute has introduced a novel approach that stands as a beacon of innovation. The 7-Colored Lanna Lanterns have emerged as a transformative solution, not only illuminating the path to improved community health but also revolutionizing the classification of hypertension types. The Praboromarajchanok Institute's commitment to redefining community health has led to the creation of these vibrant lanterns, which are far more than ornamental decorations; they serve as practical guides, aiding individuals in understanding and managing hypertension effectively.

Professor Dr. Vichai Tienthavorn

Professor Dr. Vichai Tienthavorn

The President of Praboromarajchanok Institute

Blog: Cosmetic vs. Aesthetic Clinics: Understanding the Difference

In the ever-evolving world of beauty and self-enhancement, individuals seeking aesthetic enhancements are presented with a wide array of options, from surgical procedures to non-invasive treatments. Among these choices, two terms often emerge: "cosmetic" and "aesthetic" clinics. While they may sound similar, there are significant distinctions between the two that can impact your decision-making process when considering treatments to enhance your appearance. In this article, we will delve into the differences between cosmetic and aesthetic clinics to help you make informed choices about your beauty journey.

Blog: The Battle Against Acne Scars: Causes and Treatments

Acne, a common skin condition that plagues people of all ages, can leave behind an unwelcome reminder of its presence - acne scars, or as they are colloquially known, "acne holes." These scars are not just skin-deep blemishes; they are enduring marks that can significantly affect one's self-esteem and confidence.

Dr.Pakamon Dechsongjarus

Dr.Pakamon Dechsongjarus

Napassaree Clinic

Blog: The Dangers of Eating Raw Food and the Threat of Eye Parasites

The human body is a complex system, and unfortunately, it is not immune to the invasion of parasites. Parasites, when they enter the human nervous system, can target vital organs such as the brain, spinal cord, and even the eyes. While our eyes are shielded by a protective sac and seemingly impervious to external threats, various parasites have found their way inside, causing a range of distressing symptoms, from swollen eyelids to, ultimately, blindness.